Posts tagged App
Ask a Local with StreetBuff
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Ask a Local with StreetBuff

Today I’m talking to you about a brand new app that is awesome for both people coming to visit NYC and locals. Introducing, StreetBuff.

StreetBuff has a simple concept – to connect you with New Yorkers in real time. Whether you’re planning a visit, or just exploring a new neighborhood you can use the app to ask real people questions instead of searching through Google searches, TripAdvisor or Yelp. 

Looking to find the best slice of pizza on the Upper East Side? Or how about the best boutique for vintage finds in Williamsburg? Why not ask someone who is actually located there! The nice thing about the app too is that you don’t have to worry about flagging down strangers on the subway or walking down the street either. Just log in, find someone near the location you’d like to connect with and ask!

Here’s a little more on the app straight from the StreetBuff team:

I gave the app a spin, and here’s what you can expect. The interface is pretty easy to navigate and super user-friendly which is always a plus! Simply pick your location or move around the map and little green markers will indicate people near the area that you can talk to.

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Ask a Local with StreetBuff
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Ask a Local with StreetBuff

Once you find the people near your location (or where you’d like to go) you can click on their profiles to get a little more info on what their specialties are.

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Ask a Local with StreetBuff

Click the chat button and ask away! You also have the option to rate the user to help out future StreetBuff users and tip the user if you think their advice was extra useful!

Not only is the app great for tourists, but it could be really great for locals as well. While I certainly know my way around most neighborhoods in Manhattan, once I head into Brooklyn I’m like a lost puppy so this app could certainly help with that. Plus, you can join to app to offer advice for others too! The more locals on the app, the better the resource, plus you might earn some tips along the way too.

I love the concept and I definitely recommend you check it out! Find out more about the app on their website or download the app through the Apple App Store

Planning with Flashplan

I’m so excited to tell you all about a brand new app that is about to make your life a wholeeee lot easier when it comes to planning! Meet Flashplan, the mobile app that allows you to easily plan events on your phone in one convenient place.

Since college, I’ve heavily relied on Facebook events for planing purposes.. it’s always just seemed like an easy option and for the most part, my friends are all on Facebook, but the longer I’m out of college (going on 5 years already..) the more I’ve realized that it might not be the best option anymore. I don’t host parties all that often but when I do I’ve noticed that I end up having to also email or text some of my friends who don’t check their Facebook events. Kind of defeats the one step process, huh?

For smaller get-togethers I usually try the group texting, email or Facebook message option, but let’s just say I’ve been open to exploring other options. That’s why I was pretty excited to talk to Shravan from Flashplan about their brand-spanking new app!

Flashplan is a really cool (and free) app that is making planning events with your friends a whole lot easier by incorporating all the features you need in one place. Location, invite system, group-messages, and a text-invite option. The great thing too is its run through your contacts on your phone instead of Facebook or emails, so as long as your friends have a cell phone (which I’m assuming most do ;-)) you’re all set.

Creating an event is easy and intuitive. You simply click the “+ create” button and fill in the event basics: name, location, date/time, notes, and an event photo (if you’d like!) Once you’ve created your event you select the “invite friends” button, click the friends you’d like to invite and you’re all set! Your friends who have the app will receive your invite and then you’ll be prompted to send a text to those who do not.

The handy text option is great and it opens your messaging app with a pre-made text that is ready to go, or be customized if you want. The really cool thing about this app too is that your friends can access all of the event info whether they download the app or not. 

Once they click on the link, it looks like the image below. Users are then able to interact with the event or if you scroll down you have the option to download the app. 

Another cool feature of the app is the group message option. I’m all about being organized and love that this feature is all contained within the event so that you have all the details, messages, and location info all in one place.

Not only is the app great for planning your events, but it also organizes them. Once you have created events, they appear on your “home” tab and allow you to interact to each separately. Clean and simple!

I really enjoyed this app and think you will too! Whether you’re planning a bigger event like a Halloween party, or just a girls’ night with a couple of your friends, this app is really great. Quick, organized and intuitive — all components of a great app!

To check it out for yourself, you can find it in the app store. Get to planning!