Posts tagged face your fears
Why You Should Do the Things That Scare You
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Why You Should Do the Things That Scare You | Personal Development and Growth Mindset Blog

Today’s nudge of encouragement? Go and do the things that scare you! I'm talking about the things that you are letting fear hold you back from because you don't think you're qualified enough, you don't think you know enough about it or you're worried about what other people will think. Yes, those things!

#RealTalk when we first decided to dive right in and launch online workshops and our Social Media Business Bootcamp at Bold & Pop I was terrified. Not because I didn't think we had value to share, I KNEW we had that part under wraps... but live video... AH! What if I tripped up over my words... or what if there were glitches.. or what if I totally just spazzed out and forgot everything I needed to say. Yeah, maybe that's all a little dramatic for some online Zoom sessions but those were real fears of mine.

You know what though?! 2 bootcamps and 2 workshops later... my business partner and I had a wrap call today and I was so excited to talk about doing even MORE of these online trainings and making it a bigger part of our business not just during COVID but beyond. Say whattt?! Who would have thought a few months ago! Definitely not me.

Here's the thing though, every time you try something that is new or that scares you, you're opening the door to finding out something you actually like! And worst case? You find out it isn’t your thing and you can file that experience away and move right along. So get out there and start that podcast… start that blog… launch that product or service… and try and push your limits a little. No, you won’t be an expert right off the bat and maybe some of your fears will come true… but they might not be as big of a deal as you thought either. So get out there and do the dang thing anyways!

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