Posts in Bold Life
Goal Check-in :: Quarter 2 of 2021
Anna Osgoodby Life & Biz | Goal Check-in :: Quarter 2 of 2021

My quarter 2 goal check-in is here! 🎉🎉🎉

I have to say... what I sought out to do vs what I actually accomplished ended up being TOTALLY different. That's the beauty of goals and life though... you can change them and sometimes things not going to plan is the best gift. One of the biggest shifts being my business.

At the beginning of the year, I had mapped out working on a lot of internal projects and a few different offerings for this quarter but those quickly got pushed back because my business exploded 💥 In the best kind of way. I chat more about that in this post if you’re interested too. So things definitely shifted a lot but it also ended up being one of the biggest months of growth not only for Going Bold, but for my entire 6+ years as an entrepreneur. 😱 Yes really. It was a big quarter for me both professionally and personally! Here’s a peek at some of the highlights.

Going Bold Studio had a business explosion

Like I mentioned, things blew up over at Going Bold Studio! Huge thank you to everyone who has supported my biz in one way or another — it seriously means SO much! This quarter, I got to work with 17 of my dream clients this quarter, booked my services out 2 months in advance, and surpassed my quarterly income target by 28%

Won an Award for being a top Squarespace Web Design

Being named a top Squarespace designer was such a HUGE honor! All of the happy tears! I chat more about that over here too.

Hit 50 rides on the Peloton

Working on my fitness goals has been a priority this year and I’ve been putting in the work! So thankful for all of my friends who have them too who have been such great accountability partners as well!

Got Going Bold Studio up and running

I can’t even name how many things have gone into making this happen. Holy hell, it’s been a lot. Launching my new website, creating new proposal/social media reports/client templates, overhauling my onboarding and a whole lot of other things!

Made some moves on wedding planning

We set our wedding date, booked out venue and hired our photographer! So things are definitely moving on the wedding planning side of things!

Joined the century club on Peloton

I hit 100 rides on my Peloton and truthfully am so dang proud of myself for sticking with my workouts. Working out is not my favorite and to keep up with it during such an insanely busy quarter… proud of myself! 💪 I have a long ways to go on those goals but I’ve been keeping it consistent!

Made some money moves

This quarter, I hit my savings goal I made for the entire year — a whopping 6 months early and I also increased my investments!

Finished a business course

I’ve been dreaming up a new offering at my business for a while and signed up for a course and this quarter I finished it! Some very exciting things coming later this year or early 2022!

My theme of my yearly goals is to make bold moves that will set me up for the long term and I definitely didn’t waste any time getting down to business. It was a quarter of making a lot decisions and a lot of growth!

This quarter was a big one! One that had a lot of unexpected shifts and growth and I’m going into Q3 really dang proud of all of the progress I’ve made. It just goes to show how much can change in a month… in 3 months… and 6 months. Keep at it friends!

Why do I do goal check-ins?

I started doing goal check-ins publically as a personal accountability challenge. Working on my goals and strategies to accomplish them have always been really important and by sharing them I felt an extra weight of commitment. Plus, I wanted a way to try and encourage others to have their own check-ins and keep working on their own goals. Helping others reach their dreams has always felt like my purpose and by being vulnerable and sharing the journey of my own I hope to inspire others as well.

Unpopular Opinion: Not Everyone Should Become a Full-time Business Owner or Entrepreneur
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz | Unpopular Opinion: Not Everyone Should Become a Full-time Business Owner or Entrepreneur

Unpopular opinion... Not everyone should become a full-time business owner or entrepreneur. 

Now before you get it twisted, I’m not saying this because I don’t think everyone is cut out for it. Not at all!🙅🏼‍♀️ I’m saying there’s a lot more that should go into that decision than just hating your 9 to 5.

Every year around this time, there’s a big push by a well-known life/business coach and his cohort for living your “best life” and a lot of the conversation is about starting a business. Which, I’m a business owner and 100% support others doing the same to chase their dreams! Here’s the thing though. Being an entrepreneur has been hyper glamorized in the media and by business/life coaches when in fact it’s not always the best fit for everyone.

You’re sold on the idea of finally having freedom from your corporate job, having unlimited earning potential, being your own boss, working whatever hours you want, and making money while you’re sleeping. You’ve seen the pitches! The part you’re not always seeing though is there’s a tradeoff.

As an entrepreneur, some days you’ll be working 9 to 9 (and weekends), have inconsistent paychecks, and it can add more hoops to jump through to secure financing for big purchases like a house or car. When you say goodbye to that corporate job you’ll also likely be saying goodbye to those corporate health benefits, matching 401k contributions and PTO.

Again, this isn’t about crapping on being an entrepreneur…. it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and there are certainly solutions for some of the tradeoffs. Instead, this is more of a reality check. A reality check that it is NOT the right decision for everyone and that is okay! We ALL have different visions for our lives and that should ultimately be the deciding factor for the path you decide to take. 

For some that may mean never starting a business! A totally okay way to live your best life.

For some that may mean you start a side-hustle that stays a side-hustle. A totally okay way to live your best life.

For some that may mean starting a side-hustle with the hopes of making it your full-time hustle. A totally okay way to live your best life.

And for some that may mean quitting their job and jumping head-first into being a full-time entrepreneur from day one. Also, a totally okay way to live your best life.

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The point is, there isn’t one way to live your “dream life” and have your “dream career”. As a business owner this messaging is probably more amplified in the circles I’m a part of on social media. I just hate that it can make people feel like they are less than. Like they need to be doing more in their careers, their lives, or in their businesses to meet the marketing pitches being thrown at them.

I’ve always strived to give a really transparent look at my journey as a business owner both here and on the Going Bold Studio blog, so this is something I wanted to speak up about! Especially because I know a bunch of people who have been in a career transition with all of the changes we’ve been throw over the last year+. 

So in closing, here is my advice to you… Stay true to your journey, your goals, and make decisions because YOU want to make them and not just because someone else says it’s what you should want.💖

How a Vision Board can Help you with your Goals
Anna Osgoodby Life & Biz | How a Vision Board Can Help you with your Goals | Creating a Vision Board | How to make a Vision Board

Have you ever made a vision board? They are one of my favorites tools to work on visualize the goals that I’m working on and to help me stay in a growth mindset. Both on the days I’m feeling pumped and more importantly, getting me back on track on the days I’m not.

Why Vision Boards are Powerful

Your mindset can have such a powerful effect on your success. Writing down what you want to accomplish is one thing, but actually BELIEVING you can make it happen is a whole other. Vision boards can help you get into the feeling and believing part because you’re actually visualizing your goals coming to fruition. They help you raise your vibrations and really get into that growth mindset. Plus, they can also help with manifesting, which could be a wholeee other blog post. Basically though, they help you think out what you’re working towards while also putting it out there to the universe of the direction you want to take your life.

So What is a Vision Board Really?

While there are a lot of different ways you can create a vision board, the key is to put together a collection of photos, inspiring quotes and other items that represent your goals and ambitions. Vision boards are all about visualizing and manifesting your dreams. Even the process itself is inspiring because it forces you to take your goals one step further and find visual components that you can identify with and that represents your bigger picture. It’s more than just a bulletin board or wall filled with pretty pictures – it’s a collection of items that drive out different feelings and emotions to help you maintain a driven and positive mindset. The goal is to remind yourself where you’re at, what you’re working for and how hard you’re working to get there.

Ok Cool, So How do I Make One and What Should I Put on it?

So where do you start when it comes to creating one? The first step is to find a bulletin board or part of a wall in your home or office that you will see regularly. Personally, I like to have mine from and center but other options are on the back of a closet door, inside a cabinet or take a picture of yours and make it the wallpaper on your computer or phone. To have the best effect though, it should be somewhere that you’ll see it regularly. It won’t do a ton of good shoved in a drawer! Next up it’s time to start looking for some things to actually put on your vision board Here are some suggestions based on what I included on mine.

  • Affirmations and positive quotes: You know those quotes that just resonate with you and represent where you’re headed or who you want to become? Put them on your board! I have a lot of quotes on mine because they really serve as reminders for the mindset I want to stay in.

  • Pictures of those who inspire you: You can do a lot of things with this one.. Remember, there are no rules! I pinned some photos of my family on my vision board because they have always been a driving force of starting my business and the BIG decisions I’ve made in my life so I can spend more time with them. I also like to add other people who I look up to and who have inspired my journey. Maybe that’s personal connections or people I look up to in their careers.

  • Pictures of things you’re working towards: While your vision board shouldn’t just be about material things you’re after… that definitely can be a driving factor behind some of your goals so put them up! For me, this year I was really thinking of buying a new car so I picked a few I was looking into. Another long-term goal that Evan and I are working towards is having a cabin of our own. So I also included some photos of cabins. Other things you may be working towards are vacations or places you want to travel to. Maybe you want to live a nomadic life for a while, or maybe you want to go on an international tour… whatever those BIG things you’re working towards add them!

  • Abstract photos/images: Not all of your vision board choices have to be so black and white in their meanings either. Some might have deeper meanings that aren’t right on the surface and just embody having more self-confidence, self-care, and working on your mental health. Remember this is YOUR vision and there are no rules when it comes to what inspires you.

Now that you have some of the basics for vision boards it’s time to make your own! If you want more tips and resources for working on your goals, be sure to check out my Get Your Goals page too! There’s a whole lot more where this came from!