Posts tagged keeping track of goals
Monthly Goal Check-in :: 6 Wins from January
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Monthly Goal Check-in :: 6 Wins from January

I first started sharing monthly goal check-ins on my Instagram account in 2019. Mostly just for personal accountability but also to hopefully inspire others to check-in with their own progress and celebrate each small win along the way. It turns out they’ve been a hit so this year I’m bringing them to the blog too!

First goal check-in of 2020! Say whattt! I don't know about you guys but Januarys are always a little weird. They kind of feel like I'm in a car going 60 MPH but at the same time not going anywhere. Does that make any sense? I don't know if you can relate, but I'm learning that sometimes you just have to accept things will be a little funky for a little while. It's not good.. not bad.. just a weird little transition and that's okay.

Despite feeling like things were in slow-mo at times, this month still marked a step forward. I picked the word reset for the month and I deffff embraced that whole-heartedly. So here's the breakdown!

Got my Life Organized Top to Bottom

Having an organized house is KEY to getting my head on straight and January was all about finishing up the final organization projects. Helloooo my closet is so fabulous now and I'm also oddly proud of how organized our garage is. Another thing I focused on was getting my personal and household routines/systems in order. I may be a little excessive about this stuff but I function so much better during the week when I know what I need to be doing when.

Finished our S-Corp Transition at Bold & Pop

This month we finished our S-Corp transition at Bold & Pop and ran our first payroll! Which totallyyyy felt like hitting a new level of being a biz owner.

Started a New Workout Routine

I've been looking to switch things up and decided to start using Kayla Itsines’s Sweat App which I'm so pumped about!

Finished 2 Books and Started my Third

I finished 2 books this month and got about halfway through my 3rd which is more than I planned for. One on habits and other two on investing and money management which is something I'm prioritizing learning more about this year.

Planned Blog Content for Q1 and Sorted out my Personal Content Strategy

This month I started a plan for my personal content to support my priorities. Which also includes sharing my goal updates on my blog too -- because it turns out you guys like to keep up with these!

Took an Extended Weekend Off

I took my first long weekend of the year to celebrate my Birthday on the Olympic peninsula (there will be a blog on that soon). Taking more time off is a priority for us this year so it felt good to already take a few days off this month.

Looking forward to sharing another year of updates and I hope it inspires you to check-in where you're at and celebrate your wins throughout the year too! 

Why do I do goal check-ins?

I started doing goal check-ins publically as a personal accountability challenge. Working on my goals and strategies to accomplish them have always been really important and by sharing them I felt an extra weight of commitment. Plus, I wanted a way to try and encourage others to have their own check-ins and keep working on their own goals. Helping others reach their dreams has always felt like my purpose and by being vulnerable and sharing the journey of my own I hope to inspire others as well.