Posts tagged goal check-in
Monthly Goal Check-in :: Acknowledging Progress Even During Times of Uncertainty

My monthly goal check-in looks a little different this month, but I decided I still wanted to do it. Even though we're living through a chapter I know we ALL wish we could skip, I think it's still important to acknowledge some of our wins and progress -- even if it's different than we thought it would be. I'd even argue that it's MORE important right now to give ourselves some credit and grace for what we've made it through so far.

Here are some of the things on my end that are keeping me going as we close out March:

  1. Did my best to support friends and family -- a lot of who are on the front lines or working around the clock right now.

  2. Survived some really stressful conversations and tough days as a small biz owner and was able to shift our focus to some projects and ideas we had on the backburner at Bold & Pop.

  3. Spent more time learning about mindset shifts and took the time to focus on moments of joy each day. Who knew that gratitude journal practice I started last month would be so important now!

  4. Focused on showing up even more (digitally of course) for our #GoingBold community members and local business owners to brainstorm and support each other however we can.

  5. Put the green light on a fun passion project that Faith and I have been talking about for years!

I know it's been a tough one, but hopefully this will inspire you to acknowledge some of the things you were able to do too. Hang in there guys, I know this is hard on SO many levels, but we're going to get through it! Some way, somehow. Just take it one day at a time.

Why do I do goal check-ins?

I started doing goal check-ins publically as a personal accountability challenge. Working on my goals and strategies to accomplish them have always been really important and by sharing them I felt an extra weight of commitment. Plus, I wanted a way to try and encourage others to have their own check-ins and keep working on their own goals. Helping others reach their dreams has always felt like my purpose and by being vulnerable and sharing the journey of my own I hope to inspire others as well.

Monthly Goal Check-in :: 6 Wins from February

Oh hey #MonthlyGoalCheckin crew, what's up! After a slow-mo start to the year, February definitely picked up the pace! Which was both exciting but also a little nerve-wracking at times. 😳Let me explain.

As I've really leaned into getting my priorities in line and chasing new goals, I've realized how key structure is for me. I've always been an organization nerd but I've kind of taken that to the next level lately by getting intentional about building new habits, managing my schedule and creating systems that support all of the above.

Making improvements is something I'm always working on but I've been giving this more attention lately because I'm entering a really busy season personally. A season that really embraces a lot of the reasons I moved back to Washington and one that I want to be really present for. Something I also want to be able to do without having to push the pause button on other aspects of my life. Basically I just want to do #allthethings!

February was the first test run to see how my efforts would hold up and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of everything that I was able to prioritize. It’s definitely still a work in progress but I was out of town nearly every weekend and had a calendar full of get-togethers with friends, family and biz events and still managed to make a lot of progress without losing my mind (most of the time at least)😜 So that being said, let's celebrate some of this month's highlights..

  1. Bold & Pop was interviewed on the Thriving Creative podcast

  2. Launched 2 client websites, wrapped up some client design projects and signed 4 new accounts

  3. Started a daily intentions/gratitude journal -- thanks Home Goods for the $5 find and nudge to finally give this a shot

  4. Planned my sister's baby shower + designed the cutest invites

  5. Got my taxes filed + finances in order thanks to the Countless team

  6. Survived through week 7 of my new workout plan that has been kicking my bootyyy!

Cheers to another month of progress! Make sure to take some time to celebrate your little and BIG wins in the last month too! 🎉🎉

Why do I do goal check-ins?

I started doing goal check-ins publically as a personal accountability challenge. Working on my goals and strategies to accomplish them have always been really important and by sharing them I felt an extra weight of commitment. Plus, I wanted a way to try and encourage others to have their own check-ins and keep working on their own goals. Helping others reach their dreams has always felt like my purpose and by being vulnerable and sharing the journey of my own I hope to inspire others as well.

2019 A Year in Review :: Celebrating 6 Wins from a Game-Changing Year
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: 2019 A Year in Review :: Celebrating 6 Wins from a Game-Changing Year

2019 was a YEAR! Yes, all caps worthy. It was a year of SO much growth, really getting my footing on my goals and future and digging in roots. My phrase of the year was “level-up” anddd I feel like I did that in just about every way possible. So before we officially say peace out to 2019, here are some of the highlights I want to share!

Leveled the Heck up in our Business

I thought 2018 was a game-changing year at Bold & Pop… and don’t get me wrong, it was, but it turns out it was just the warm-up for what 2019 would bring. We increased our business by another 46% and increased our salaries by a whooping $25k. Holy freaking crap. Not only that but 57% of our business was from repeat clients. They like us, they really like us! Real talk though, we pour our hearts into the work we do for our clients so to work with so many repeat clients in different phases of their businesses or new projects was really exciting. We also increased our website traffic by 22%, grew our #GoingBold Community to over 1,200 members, had our first annual Co-founders retreat + two other trips to work together, and grew each of our local communities in both of our cities. Starting and growing a business continues to be one of the toughest yet rewarding things I’ve ever done and I’m just so dang proud of the impact we’ve been able to have so far and where we’re headed.

Bought my First House

Talk about something I didn’t think was going to happen for at least another year… I bought my first house! Thanks to the extra savings from our business and Mama Duck for helping secure my financing! I know I’ve talked about this a lot, but it’s something I’ve looked forward to for SO long so now that I actually made it a reality…. just so dang happy. Most women dream of their wedding day and all of that jazz…. I’ve dreamt about the day I’d be able to buy a house 😜Mission accomplished!!!

Worked on Becoming a Stronger and Healthier Version of Myself

This was one of the first years I really prioritized self-care, implementing healthy habits, developing systems and actually holding myself accountable and it felt good! I got a little off track with my fitness goals during the house-hunt, but progress is progress! Some of the things I focused on this year was:

  • Started strength training and daily walks with a weekly goal for each and a journal to keep track of my efforts and keep myself accountable

  • Prioritized drinking more water throughout the day and started planning meals for the week

  • Started a regular bedtime routine to try and get more rest and also started reading before bed helping me read over 10 books this year.

  • Started listing to business/motivational podcasts and e-books during my weekday walks/hikes to expand my viewpoints and life toolbox

  • Set a hiking goal with my eyes on making it up Mailbox Peak — I didn’t quite hit that one yet but I went on 9/10 training hikes and 11 other local hikes for a total of 20 this year

  • Started doing monthly intentions worksheets and check-ins for my goals which was SO helpful for accountability

  • Scheduled one self-care day/month for alone time

Stretched my Boundaries

2019 was a year of doing things I didn’t think I could and also trying new things I didn’t think I would. Last year, I started a goal of trying 5 new things throughout the year and it turned out to be such a good challenge so I continued it this year too. Some things I enjoyed more than others but the key was to stretch my boundaries a little with each, which I think has helped my self-confidence in other parts of my life. A few things on this year’s list included:

  • Public speaking — which has always been something that terrified me but this year I spoke to the biggest group yet and survived to talk about it after

  • Meditation — not really my jam but I gave it a swing

  • Clamming — surprisingly harder than I thought it would be

  • Horseback riding — I had a lot of fun with that

  • Shooting — another thing I didn’t think I’d ever try

Worked on Finding more Balance and Prioritizing Relationships

It is reallyyyyy easy for me to get wrapped up in work… I pretty much worked around the clock the first 2 going on 3 years of our business and it’s something that is still easy to fall into. In 2019, we really made a conscious effort to continue to try and have a better work/life balance by shutting things down at the end of the day and we also decided to extend our Summer Fridays beyond just the summer and throughout the rest of the year. I also tried to do a better job of prioritizing time with my family and friends and making plans instead of just talking about making plans. The weeks and months go by so fast and I feel like my efforts really did make a difference. Some of the things I prioritized this year in my relationships were:

  • Using a shared calendar/list app Cozi to block off time and stay on top of my commitments

  • Bi-weekly visits to my mom’s to cook dinner, hang out and have some quality time each month

  • Took advantage of local weekend getaways in the PNW for a change of scenery and went on an anniversary trip to the Methow Valley where I fell in love with the Methow Valley and the North Cascades

  • Started getting girls days and craft days on the calendar with my friends and planning our next ones at the end of each visit or shortly there after

Grew a lot Personally through Life’s Curveballs

While 2019 was a BOMB year in so many ways, I was also thrown quite a few curveballs in my personal life. It was a year of reallyyyyy stretching my empathy muscle, problem-solving and standing up for myself. And as much as I’m thankful most of it worked out, I’ll be honest it was uncomfortable as heck a lot of times. Two things I hate the most are conflict and when I don’t have any control in a situation and this year was stacked full with both. I’m definitely hoping 2020 has less of those moments, but at the same time, I’m also really proud of sticking it out, finding solutions and growing through it all.

2019, you were a BIG one… A year of firsts, a year of bests, and a year of stretching boundaries but I’m ready for all that the New Year will bring.