Posts tagged Business life
Business Life :: Celebrating the Good Days | The Journey can be Tough but it's Always Worth it
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Business Life :: Celebrating the Good Days | The Journey can be Tough but it's Always Worth it | Business Blog | Entrepreneur Life | Business Woman

Being a small business owner is a wild ride with a lot of ups and downs... on a NORMAL day. Add in a pandemic and holy hell it has been a RIDE! It’s not easy to watch things go up in smoke and have to go back to the drawing board on plans you thought you had. Trust me, I’ve had some dark freaking days… and let’s be real, your mindset and being proactive can only take you so far when you’re in uncharted territory.

Sometimes you just need to embrace the suckiness though and focus on putting one foot in front of the other until you can see some light again. Because it WILL happen. And boy can I tell you I’ve been soaking up every moment of joy and those good days even more now than I even thought possible!

The days you break out into your happy dance not once or twice but three times.
The days you get SO excited because you signed a new project with one of your dream clients.
The days you get off a consulting session and get those warm happy feelings in your heart because you know you just made a difference for someone.
And the days where you get the nicest emails, like happy tears nice😭, from clients who just love working with you...

You might as well call me a happy dancing fool because each and every one of those things happened for me today. I’m posting this for more reasons than just celebrating a good day though.

I’m sharing this to remind you that even though the journey is hard (like really freaking hard sometimes) that it’s worth it. To remind you that betting on yourself will always be worth it no matter how it turns out. To remind you that even though you’ll have some shit days (and sometimes even weeks or months) that it will only make you appreciate those good days even more. And more than anything… to remind you to KEEP GOING! Living (and finding) your purpose is always worth the effort. So keep going, keep learning and keep celebrating each and every win and good day along the way. You’ve got this 🎉