Ending Summer in the PNW

After a stressful summer with lots of changes, one thing I couldn’t wait for was my end of summer trip back home. The last few times I’ve been home I’ve had back-to-back plans or occasions I was back for and haven’t had much downtime to actually spend with my family. So I’ve really been looking forward to this trip when the two pre-planned events for my week included a dentist appointment and Taylor Swift concert. Even better, my mom had the whole week off too so we could do as we pleased for the entire week together!

While trips home never seem long enough, I actually felt like I had some quality time with my family this time which was really nice. Let me take you down memory lane of my summer 2013 trip!

This time home we started out my trip with a family get-together! It was a kind of nice switch-up. Normally if we can get everyone together it’s on the tail-end of my trip so I was happy to see everyone (missing my Aunt Di and Uncle Del — We missed you guys!) The weather rained on our BBQ plans, but we made the best of our indoor space!

During the week we went to the local brewery where we met up with one of my mom’s friends and a couple of mine as well. Nothing like catching up with the old Enumclaw crew. No matter where I live, none of my friends can compare to these guys!

In true Anna fashion, I got to check out some of the new restaurants in the Claw too! Including the new sushi bar — yes a sushi bar in Enumclaw! I’m pretty picky when it comes to sushi, the last time I had it I took it home and cooked it (true story). Oshio’s nailed it though! They had a cool VIP room (Or so we were calling it) in the back where you took off your shoes, walked up to an elevated platform and then sat at a sunken in table. It was so neat and so different from anywhere else in town!

Another place I checked out that I’m now obsessed with is Legendary Doughnuts!

I’ve been following their Facebook page for the last year and finally got around to checking it out! The east coast doesn’t have anything on our west coast donut skills. And these were no exception!

I also spent some quality time driving ( I miss it) and admiring grocery store selections. I’ve gotten so used to our tiny grocery stores that Safeway gets me every time when I’m home. You mean this whole aisle is ice cream!? I swear I’m like an alien every time I come back, which is silly since that’s how I grew up. It’s funny the things you don’t notice or take for granted when you are so used to them!

Now onto the Taylor Swift concert! I got Little Duck tickets for Christmas for the Labor Day weekend show and the day had finally come! Way to make the poor girl wait 9 months for her Christmas present right?! Lol, we had a wonderful time though! The crowd was definitely very different from her last show and I think the only people there older than 10 were all parents, but it really was a great show!

She performed for over 2 hours and her set was crazy! Fireworks, tons of moving stages, and even a flying stage that went all over the stadium. Love or hate her, she can put on a phenomenal show!

Another highlight of my trip was our trip to the LeMay Car Museum. We got my dad tickets for Father’s Day, but the fam hadn’t made it there yet so we all checked it out together.

It was a really cool place! The outside of the museum reminded me of a big cockroach and was super modern inside. Even if you aren’t a huge car buff, you could still enjoy this place. It was kind of an ironic place for me to visit too when I think about it, now that I drive once or twice a year! Really cool place though!

My dad, John, and Kayla decided to try out their racecar simulator. It seemed pretty cool. I will say if you have a choice of who to drive with in a racecar, avoid Kayla. She wasn’t so good, haha!

On top of all of my adventuring, I also got some much needed relaxation time and home cooking (thanks Mom!).

Such a wonderful time! Until next time Washington, I’ll be seeing you :)