The 3 Year Mark

It’s that time of the year again.. My NYC anniversary!

I kind of have mixed emotions about my moving anniversary. On the one hand it’s exciting! Yes, I survived another year in the big apple — If you can make it here you can make it anywhere, right?! Well, I’m surviving x3 and that is definitely something to be proud of! But, on the other hand, the day makes me really sad because the memory of leaving the airport on that day three years ago still brings me to tears. Truly bittersweet.

One thing I am sure of though is, I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given by taking a chance and getting on that plane. Do I get sad and miss home, absolutely, but I know without a doubt that I would not have grown into the person I am today without pushing myself further out of my comfort zone. I thought I was doing that when I moved to Eugene.. and then to Portland.. but it turns out those would only be baby steps on my journey.

imageA good friend of mine once told me, “Home isn’t going anywhere and it will always be there waiting for you if you want to go back, but don’t cut your journey short because you’re afraid of the road unseen.” It’s a conversation I play back in my head often, because my friend couldn’t be more right. There will be good and bad days, but in the end we all need to follow our callings to accomplish our goals, wherever or whatever they may be. And, as it turns out my work is not yet finished here in New York. 

So here’s cheers to another year New York, just you and me!