Birthday, birthday! Thank you everyone who wished me happy birthday and made my day very special!
My day started with work, and my boss and the girls were so sweet to me! My boss definitely spoiled me with gifts, all, wait for it, Twilight themed! Haha, my favorite! Im about to be a pro of Twilight Scene it and the author. Also, let the countdown begin until November because she got me and a guest tickets to the red carpet premiere of Breaking Dawn! WOHOHHH! I’m so excited and still mostly in shock. For lunch, it was my choice and Ray’s Pizza it was! One of my favorites in the city. Mmm mmm good! The girls topped my day off with surprising me with a Birthday cake from Purple Elephant bakery! Their frosting is great! So work was definitely a wonderful part of my day.
After work I was to hurry back home, let Scootie out, change and meet up with Chris! he made us reservations at Crispo downtown. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere with brick walls dimly lit with candles. Cozy, yet elegant it was a nice vibe.
I’m just going to throw it out there that I’d hands-down say it was the best Italian food I’ve had in the city. Being honest, I didn’t really understand half of the menu because it was mostly in Italian words I didn’t know. There were the random words I could pull out. Just since living here I’ve definitely learned more about food. Thank you “food pro” friends who don’t mind explaining the menus to me! I didn’t really even look at the menu much there, mostly because I didn’t understand it and also because Chris had decided on the Spaghetti Carbonara and a couple sitting next to it told us, “eating it was the closest thing to heaven.” So how can you really order something else after that remark?
Chris ordered the rest and I was thoroughly impressed! It was a great place, and I’m excited to take visitors back there! The night ended with a subway ride uptown and a cold walk home. Cheers to being 22! Yay!