Posts tagged things you should know when you move out
Adulting Archives 005: 10 Things You Should Know how to do when you Move out
Adulting Archives 005: 10 Things You Should Know how to do when you Move out | Adulting Blog | How to Adult | How to be an Adult | Adulting Lessons

Listen, I’m not saying you need to do everything on your own. In fact, there are plenty of things you should leave to the experts but there are essentials you should definitely know how to do. I once had a roommate who called her boyfriend to ask how to change the batteries in a remote control… yes really. Don't be like that roommate and instead read on to learn some of the things I think are essential to know when you live on your own.

Know the Basics of Resetting outlets and Flipping Breakers

Hairdryers and air conditioners are just a few of the things that will have you looking for your circuit breaker box. If an outlet suddenly stops working the first thing you’ll want to check is if the outlet needs resetting. Bathrooms and kitchens usually have what are called GFCI plugs that are outlets that have the two small buttons (reset and test) on them. It’s a safety feature that causes the outlet to trip itself and cut off power if there’s a scenario that could cause a spark that could shock you — like appliances that use a lot of power. Yes, that’s what those outlets do and they’re usually located in areas where water could be present. The first thing you’ll want to do is unplug whatever you’re using and then hit the red “reset” button. Then plug in said appliance and try it again. Here’s a video if you want to check it out.

If that doesn’t work, then you should go and check the circuit breaker box. It should be located right in your apartment or the house you’re living in, but I had an apartment in NYC where it was locked in the basement. Which, I’m pretty sure is against code, but nonetheless know where yours is. It’s helpful if they are labeled, but when you open it up, you’ll see breakers in the “on” and “off” position. All you need to do is look for the breaker that has been flipped to the “off” position and flip it back on. Here’s a more thorough explanation if you need it too.

How to turn off the water of your toilet

This one is important and can help prevent a lot of flooding damage should there ever be a problem in your bathroom. Heaven forbid, if your toilet gets plugged or if it actually straight-up explodes (this actually happened to me) this is going to be key. Typically, there is a water supply valve that comes up from the floor or from the wall and all you have to do is turn it all the way to the right. Righty tighty, lefty loosely! This will cut off the water supply so that the water will stop until you have the issue resolved. Video for reference.

How to do your own Laundry

This one really comes down to following the instructions on your washing machine and laundry soap but if it’s your first time take some time to read everything. High-efficiency washer and dryers may need less soap so it’s important to pay attention so you don’t end up with a laundry room filled with soap suds. Other things that are important? Listen to your mom and try and do loads with similar colors so your whites don’t start turning other colors (guilty of this).

Oh and REAL important, make sure you clean out the lint filter in between every dryer cycle. If there’s only one thing you remember about doing laundry, let it be this! Lint is a fire hazard and can catch a dryer on fire and even your house or apartment. Talking from experience, my fiancé’s clothes caught on fire at our last apartment because of this! 😱 That fire actually happened because of the back of the vent, which your apartment should maintain, but if you have access it’s worth cleaning that out every so often too.

Changing a Lightbulb

This one isn’t too complicated. Again, righty tighty, lefty loosey to take it out or put a new one in. The important part is to pay attention and make sure you get the right kind of lightbulb to replace it with. Usually the outlet or lamp will tell you the max wattage you can use. Putting anything higher than that can become a fire hazard.

Check Your Refridgerator Dial

Does your fridge not seem like it’s keeping things cool enough? Or maybe it’s the opposite and it’s freezing things? Check your refrigerator dial. Depending on the model of yours, it will be in different places but check at the top inside the door, or on the right or left side panels. Often times, you can skip a call to your maintenance crew just by adjusting these yourself — either turning them up or down. Just make sure you give them a little time to adjust before your next step.

Test Your Fire & Carbon Monoxide Alarms

We grew up doing this at home, but sometimes it slips our minds when we’re adults on our own. Many apartment buildings have annual checks to check both of these but even if they do, make sure you check them regularly. No one wants to be all doom and gloom but it could legit save your life in an emergency. Most alarms have a “test” feature and all you have to do is press them and make sure they beep. If nothing happens that’s when you know you need new batteries.

Change Ceiling Fan Direction

Did you know that most ceiling fans actually change directions? Say what?! I only learned about this when I bought a place. It actually has a purpose too. If it’s set to spin counter-clockwise that will help cool a room down, whereas if it spins clockwise that will actually help keep a room warmer. So counter-clockwise in the summer (or year-round for people like me who like to be cool when they sleep) and clockwise during the winter. To change it, there is usually a small switch on the outside side of the fan that you can just toggle back and forth. This video walks you through one model.

How to flush the toilet if the power is out

Most of the time, if your power goes out you will have a few flushes left in your toilet and then it won’t flush anymore because… no power! There’s a workaround though if you find yourself out of power for a few days. If there’s a storm coming that you’re aware of, what you’ll want to do is fill a bathtub with water. Then if you need to flush, all you need to do is take a cup of the water from the bathtub (or another source) and pour it into the toilet. The force will then cause it to flush.

Unclog a Drain

Ugh, this one is no fun… but it happens! Especially when you have long hair! The best method is to try and prevent this from happening with a hair catcher if you don’t already have one (here’s my favorite). If that ship has long sailed though, then I recommend using a drain snake. Apparently, draino and other chemical methods can damage pipes and in old buildings, your lease may even say you aren’t allowed to use them! So the drain snake to the rescue. No sugarcoating it, this process is kind of gross but the drain snake really gets the job done! Another option is to bust out your middle school science skills and mix baking soda and vinegar.

Make sure a window is secure

Another thing you want to think about is making sure your windows are secure. Sure, if a burglar really wants to break in they can just break windows but sometimes all they have to do is slide a window open. This is especially an issue if you live in a city like NYC with fire escapes or if you have a window unit air conditioner. I had two friends’ apartments get broken into this way so I know it happens! The easiest recommendation I have is get a piece of wood from the hardware store to make it impossible for someone to just slide the window up. They also have window locks that you can buy that will remedy this situation too.

This by all means is not everything you need to know but it is definitely a start for some of the essentials! If all else fails, Google is a Godsend. If you’re having an issue, I recommend doing a quick Google or Youtube search to see if it’s DIY status or not before proceeding.