Posts tagged Stadium Food
Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy 3 New Burgers Available for the 2016 Season

It's officially garlic cheesies season! Aka to the rest of the world as baseball season! ;-) While I'm not totally sure I'd call myself an actual baseball fan (I'm much more of a football girl) I've definitely found appreciation for the stadium grub

Yankee Stadium loves throwing a few curveballs in the mix each year with its offerings and this year they went far left field for their burger menu. <-- See what I did there?! Haha. 

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy

Being the true burger and ridiculous food lover that I am, I had to see what these babies were all about! So without further ado, let me introduce you to this year's line-up.

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy

Double-Double Burger

The Double-Double is just about as tall as a NYC skyscraper. This sucker was hugeeee and could probably feed your whole family at the game. This takes the term double cheeseburger to a whole new level with two grilled cheese sandwiches as the buns. Try it if you dare!

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy

Barnyard Wedding Burger

I fell in love at first sight with this burger creation as soon as I heard hashbrown. The Barnyard Wedding burger is a burger, topped with fried chicken, and then a hashbrown all on a pretzel bun. Ridiculous sounding? Maybe, but holy burger it was delicious. I will be back for another wedding...

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: Yankee Stadium Goes Burger Crazy

G.O.A.T Burger

Meet the G.O.A.T Burger aka Greatest of All Time Burger. I grabbed a bite of this beauty that is a burger topped with pastrami, crispy bacon, and some tasty condiments all on a pretzel bun. The flavors on this one are dynamite and it's definitely not your average burger.

I was pretty pumped to check these guys out and I have to say they totally lived up to the ridiculous combinations I like to see at stadiums! They're not your cheapest options ranging from $16-20 just for the burger, but we are in NYC after all. If you want to check any of these guys out at your next game you can find them at the concessions behind section 115! 

Yankee Stadium Food Guide
Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: Yankee Stadium Food Guide

As baseball season comes to a close, I decided it was the perfect timing to do a wrap-up of some of my favorite stadium bites of the year.

I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a baseball fan.. I’m definitely more of a football girl, but Chris likes to go to the games and after my first visit I discovered that I do actually like something about the season.. the food! So Chris gets his sports fix, I get my food fix, all is good in the hood!

My number one choice at Yankee Stadium is always going to be the garlic cheese fries aka garlic cheesies! They were my first love that’s turned into a long-term relationship over the last 4 years. Garlic fries aren’t a new thing at stadiums across the country, but the cheese sauce is just some sort of artery-clogging gold that I can’t get enough of.

Next up are the chicken and waffle sandwiches. This was a first year stand and I have to say I approve. When I’m looking for solid stadium food, I really enjoy ordering items that I can’t get anywhere else, or at least that are semi-unique. I’d say this option definitely nails that category with the Yankee stamped waffle.

If you’re looking to elevate your taste a little above the classic baseball choices, Parm offers a nice option. Known downtown for their classic Italian bites, they also offer a location at the stadium to satisfy your Italian craving. 

If I still have room at about the 7th inning then it’s time to get in on the ice cream helmets. Yes, I’m secretly a 5 year old and I love it. You usually see the kids with these, but considering I went to my first pro baseball game at the age of 21 I think I have some years to make up for! The ice cream is Turkey Hill's soft serve and you have the option for a topic. I always get the rainbow sprinkles because, well, everything is better with sprinkles!

We usually sit in the bleacher seats, but one game this year Chris scored some suite level tickets from one of his clients so we got to experience the game how the other half does. I have to say, it was pretty cool. Separate entrance, a lounge, bar options, food court.. The whole shabang. They even had a sushi bar up there. My favorite part was definitely the free pop, popcorn and peanuts though. I’m excited easily and heyyy free snacks! Granted that’s kind of included in the price of those tickets, but since we got them for free.. free snacks!

No matter where you sit though, it really is a good time filled with lots of delicious stadium food!