Posts tagged NYC blogger
6th NYC-versary
Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: 6th NYC-versary

Wowzers, it's that time again... This weekend marks living in New York for 6 years! I feel like every year this day sneaks up on me -- the longer I'm here the faster time seems to be going. Even when life gets a little crazy though, this is one post I make sure I write every year because I think it's so important to share milestones and document where life has taken me. I must say, this year does feel quite a bit different to write too. SO much has changed in the last year (exciting stuff!) that while there are certainly many constants, my life as a whole looks a lot different than years past. 

My NYC anniversary has always been a little bittersweet for me. While I've enjoyed my time in NYC I've been pretty outspoken with my struggles with homesickness which has always been something that tugged hard on my heart. And while I definitely still have my moments I don't feel sad at all today.. It may have taken 6 years (dang that's a long time) but with all the changes in the last year I'm feeling prettyyyy great about everything.

On biz...

In the last year I've had 4 pretty major life changes -- I left my long-time job, started my own business, moved in with Chris, and then moved into a new apartment. Holy changes! While every year certainly brings growth, you could say I added some miracle grow to this year because it's been a heck of a year for personal and professional growth.

While all of those are pretty big changes, starting my own business has definitely been the biggest change. This time last year, I had some ideas and goals in mind for taking a chance in the freelance world, but let's be real here. I had no idea if I'd actuallyyyy be able to make it happen. It was certainly a big risk, but no risk no reward right?! While I certainly did some planning (and saving mulah) I approached starting my biz with the same mentality I did moving to NYC... Why not?! If it doesn't work out I can always move back.. or find another adventure. And while I'm not normally one to brag... guys can I take a moment to say that I have KILLED it since taking this risk?! Serious #Humblebrag right there but I am SO proud of how well I've done so far. Don't get me wrong it has been A LOT of work and late nights, but danggg has it been worth it. Even more than being able to pay those bills -- which is obviously top priority -- proving to myself I could do this has been so rewarding. It turns out I'm a lot better at this business thing than I thought I might be 😉.

More on that reward part too! This flexibility thing... ah-mazing. We've had so much going on this year so having the flexibility to take off a little early any day of the week, meet a friend in town for biz in the middle of the day or book flights mid-week has opened so many doors. I just booked a trip home for October and December which will be my 3rd and 4th trips home THIS year! HOORAY for being able to work anywhere I have a wifi connection! Which means I will have officially spent more time (and still have some to add) back in Washington in the last year than in the previous 5 years combined... And that's a BIG deal to me. I've been so much happier and while airport goodbyes still suck, knowing I can come back for a visit pretty much whenever I want is an incredible feeling.

On moving...

I've been dating Chris almost as long as I've lived in the city (6 years next month) and while I was ready to live with him at least 3 years ago, he's always been on his own schedule. After being very patient... ok let's be real I haven't been that patient he finallyyyy decided this was the year he was willing to part with his longest long-term relationship.. his apartment. Of all of the changes over the last year this one was the easiest for me. Let's get real.. when you live on the same block and stay over at least 6 of the 7 days you pretty much know what you're getting into and I was very excited about this new chapter for us. Plus, being able to split rent while I embarked on my freelance adventure was certainly a nice perk too. 

The toughest part of moving in together was actually the fact that we ended up doing it twice. After Chris moved into the studio we ended up having to move again because my landlord sold the building (yes that's happened twice to me now). That process was a little stressful at times, and I was nervous about applying for the first time being self-employed but looking back the process actually was pretty smooth and now we have a much bigger space. Helloooo having a bedroom and backyard! So even though that caused a lot of stress, I'm very happy with where we are now and cannotttt wait to share an apartment tour now that I'm done with all of my projects (more on that later). I was joking earlier you know you've made it in NYC when you have enough space (in our case indoor and outdoor) where you can be lazy and text the other person from another space haha. So according to my theory we have finally "made it".

On the city...

With all of this year's changes, I can honestly say I enjoy living in the city SO much more. While I liked it before most of the time.. even after being here so long, it always felt temporary to me. And while I certainly don't know if I'll be here forever, with the changes over the last year I have totally different vibes about it. Plus working from home perks... if the weather is God awful -- dead of winter and summer I'm talking to you -- you can minimize some of the time you have to go outside. Not having to commute the majority of the time is a whole other reason to love the city more now too! 

I finally feel like I can have the best of both worlds and it is such an amazing feeling. This sounds soooo cheesy, but I've had this dream vision for what my life could look like one day if I worked really hard and I truly feel like it has become a reality in the last year. So cheers to you NYC, it's been a wild ride and it's certainly not over but boy am I excited for the next year together.

HGTV Blogger Block Party
Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: HGTV Blogger Block Party

As most of you know... I recently moved ( we just hit the two-week mark!) Everything is finally just about put away and decorated and man, moving is A LOT of work! Add in doing it while running a biz and woweee! So if there's one thing that's been running on my mind non-stop lately it is all things home! Which is why I am SO very excited to share an event in NYC happening on Monday that is dedicated to exactly that and guess what YOU'RE INVITED! I'm talking about the 3rd Annual HGTV Blogger Block Party!

If you know me reallyyy well, you know that I pretty much live, breathe and sleep all things HGTV so you can bet your bottom dollar I will be at the event on Monday! The day promises to be full of all things blogging, tweeting, meet and greeting, DIY and home decor and I am PUMPED! This year's schedule looks super awesome too. Check it outtt 👇🏻 

Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: HGTV Blogger Block Party

I always wait for the mail each month for my new issue of HGTV magazine so I'm really looking forward to the chance at hearing from Magazine Editor in Chief Sara Peterson. I am a HUGE fan of Emily Henderson and Young House Love too so I'm really looking forward to their chats too!

So how do I know the event is going to be so awesome? Well, I actually got to check out their first event! Flashback Friday timee 👉🏻 1st Annual HGTV Blogger Block Party. I'm even more excited because this year I can hit up the whole event now that I'm the boss lady! 🎉 So what are you waiting for?! If you live in NYC or are in the area, get your RSVP on -- it's free and fabulous and definitely going to make you actually look forward to Monday after the weekend! Not in NYC? That's okay! Tune in to my Instagram and Twitter accounts to keep up with the fun!

**Disclaimer: Thank you to HGTV Magazine for kindly sponsoring this post. All opinions are 100% honest & completely my own.

#FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker

Raise your hand if you're a fan of Warby Parker! I can already see a lot of hands up out there! If you've had any experience with the brand you know that they're seriously awesome. Not only are they known to have super cute frames, but people also love them for their Home Try-On program that let's you have frames shipped to your home to try our for 5 days for free! Another reason people love them? They're seriously loyal to their customers and take customer service serious! I mean have you seen their social media accounts!? They kill it! And working in social I like to think I know a thing or two about that ;-)

While I've always admired the brand, this was actually my first experience with them directly so I was pretty excited when I connected with their team about their #FallSyllabus campaign. My friends have been singing Warby Parker's praises for years, but since I don't wear glasses I've never really had a direct experience with their products -- which btw if you didn't already know they also sell sunglasses no prescription necessary! 

To celebrate Warby Parker's Fall 2015 line I got out and about in some of their frames for my #FallSyllabus photo shoot to celebrate some of my favorite parts of the season! 

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker

Reilly in Marzipan Tortoise :: starts at $95

Ellison in Whisky Tortoise :: starts at $145

Banks in Sea Smoke Tortoise :: starts at $95

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker

Fall has always been my favorite season in NYC. The weather is just perfect.. Boots are back in season and hellooo fall colors!  Here's a look at some of my favorite things about fall.


After a long spring and summer, fall marks the first part of the year where we can start decorating again, which I clearly love! As soon as October hits you can count on seeing pumpkins placed upon people's stoops and in their windows and I just love it! In case you missed my post last week too I have a seriously fun DIY pumpkin project for you. Yay pumpkins!

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker

Time at the Park

I'm really lucky to live half a block from one park and only a short walk to Central Park so I really enjoy spending a lot of time at the park in the fall. I love watching the colors of the leaves change and now that the weather is more bearable Scooter enjoys having extended walks!

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker


I haven't always been a hat kind of girl, but I really can't get enough of them this fall! Felt hats, knit hats, straw hats.. count me in for all of the above! So perfect for the city! 

Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker
Anna Osgoodby NYC Living :: #FallSyllabus with Warby Parker

Fall Flowers

One of my favorite parts about living in the city is that there are flowers on almost every block. Bonus, they're surprisingly pretty affordable here which might surprise you..  $12 for two dozen roses?! Oh yes! I always look forward to fall's sunflowers being they're something a little different than my normal selection and they always brighten up my space (because it's not bright enough ;-))

And there you have it! Some of my favorite things about fall! I had so much fun taking these Warby Parker styles for a spin and I really fell in love with the Reilly in Marzipan Tortoise pair! To find out more about any of the styles I tried out or to check out some of the other selections that Warby Parker offers make sure to check out their website!


**Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review. I partnered with the Warby Parker team to be apart of their #FallSyllabus campaign and used their Home Try-On program to try the frames for my post. This post and all opinions stated are based on my own ideas and honest experience with the products.