Note to self: The next time I decide to have an adventure in Harlem it might be a good idea to double-check the streets before jumping on a bus. That would have saved me the 11 block brisk walk with my hood on to Target if I would have gotten off at 117th instead of 106th. Not exactly the ideal place I’d like to be walking during any time of the day. Luckily I survived though. Better yet, I had quite a little successful trip to wrap up my little Martha Stewart inspired weekend! This is what happens when all of my friends leave the city for the holiday weekend!

My roommate will be pleasantly surprised with a clean, re-organized, and holiday cheered apartment tomorrow evening! Our apartment is slowly but surely feeling more homey. The cute curtains and new pillows for the couch are nice new additions! As well as the snowflakes I hung on the window and our little baby Christmas tree! I will post photos tomorrow for you all to check out. I must say I am pretty happy with the results though! After a long day of cleaning a nice evening curled up watching Pac 10 football with little Scooter was necessary. Until tomorrow! Good night.