Dressing on a Dime

I’m sure the New York designers and 5th Avenue stores would beg to differ with me.. but who says style has to be expensive? Between excessive rent, student loans, bills, and transportation..etc. it’s no secret that living in the city can add up pretty quickly! Not to mention,a girl wants to look good in the big city!

One of the initial reasons I questioned moving to the city was for that very reason. I knew wherever I decided to live I would be living on some sort of budget, but the thought of counting pennies to live in Manhattan made me cringe. What’s the point of living in a wonderful city if you can’t actually enjoy it?

Lucky for me, with a little budgeting and my natural kick for being thrifty I’ve found a good balance that works for me. I’m not living on Park Avenue or carrying a Birkin bag, but designer names aren’t everything! 

To prove my point, here are a couple of outfits I’ve worn recently that are totally budget friendly.

I call this one.. Polka Dots go Country

Shirt — Target: $24.99

Skirt — Target $19.99

Cowboy Boots —  On clearance at Target $15.99

Bracelet and belt — mom’s jewelry box

Flower pin — gift from Claire’s

Grand total: $60.97

For my next outfit I’ve named it.. Flowered Fall

Blouse — Forever 21 $14.80

Skirt — Forever 21 $17.80

Necklace — Thanks Mom!

Tights — TJ Maxx 4 pack for 8.99

Shoes —  Payless $15.99 

Grand Total: $50.83

Making the sale and discount rack look good! Since saving money is one of my New Year’s Resolutions you’ll see a little more posts like this for everyone aspiring to live in NYC, and for those that just like to save a buck or two!